Quality Standards
The Rosenlund Group of Companies can compare with international peers as one of the more informed Construction and Development Companies. We use the most modern equipment available. No Other company in Australia can boast the inventiveness that Rosenlund have attained.
The Rosenlund Group is Quality Assured to ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 14001:2015, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 by JAS-ANZ. To gain these qualifications, The Rosenlund Group had to pass stringent work systems and procedures and prove consistent adherence to these standards. This certification verifies the quality of all Rosenlund projects.
Financial Capacity
The value of real estate, buildings, plant and equipment belonging to The Rosenlund Group of Companies exceeds AUD$50 million. Having these substantial holdings gives us the capability to take on large projects with confidence. We can comfortably carry contracts up to AUD$30 million on our schedule at any one time, our QBCC license allows us to take on projects up to $60 million in the current year. This means we do not have to compromise on safety and quality standards in order to economise. That is not to say the company is extravagant in it’s expenditure. Our financial strength comes from judicious moderation.